News (Changelog)
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V2.0.1 – 20/01/2025
- Fix: (PRO) Fix incorrect French text used to show or hide audit task details
- Fix: (FREE) Fix SEOKEY PRO button on audit pages (it was not working)
- Fix: Removed several console and debug function
- Fix: Fixed OpenGraph URL that sometimes incorrectly had PORT data
- Fix: Added Jetpack Social to plugin list exclusion for our OpenGraph and twitter card automatic optimization
- Fix: Fix Open Graph setting display (for English users)
- Fix: Fix Polylang incorrect redirect for WordPress native XML sitemaps
- DevNote: Using seokey_filter_breacrumbs_data hook, you can now add custom items without links into your breadcrumb
V2.0.0 – 05/11/2024 // Alt Editor improvements + OpenGraph & Twitter card Data
- New: SEOKEY now automatically adds OpenGraph and Twitter Card data (Google now uses this data). If you’re already using another plugin for this, SEOKEY won’t add it.
- New: Improved ALT editor. It’s now easier to use with a larger image display and a new image filter to show only featured images.
- Improvement: Refined the keyword menu interface (first iteration) to enhance usability.
- Improvement: Optimized admin performance by removing redundant SEOKEY action hooks and options.
- Improvement: Enhanced message provided by SEOKEY when editing content and no SEO issues are detected.
- Improvement: Removed unnecessary action links in the ALT editor (previously added by WordPress, themes, or other plugins), reducing distractions.
- Improvement: Improved several wordings in the Wizard and SEO audit.
- Improvement: (FREE) Updated interface to better explain what’s included in SEOKEY PRO.
- Fix: (PRO) Removed deprecated Ping Sitemap function (
- Fix: (PRO) Fixed a very rare fatal error when Search Console fails to provide a suggested keyword in the MetaBox.
- Fix: Excluded PDF, ZIP, and other non-image files from the ALT editor (as these files don’t have alternative text).
- Fix: Resolved rare issue with missing trailing slash in terms XML sitemaps.
- Fix: (FREE) Adjusted the position of the “PRO” label in the SEOKEY MetaBox.
- Third-party: Fixed a rare Polylang canonical issue where the home URL was incorrect.
- DevNote: Added a new hook to disable SEOKEY meta descriptions (useful if using SEO functions within your theme).
- DevNote: Enhanced the Upgrader function, improving SEOKEY performance across all pages.
- DevNote: Separation of FREE vs. PRO code, which will significantly reduce the time needed to release new versions (first iteration).
V1.9.1 – 24/09/2024
- Improvement: (PRO) Improved main advice for each content, resolving rare issues with inaccurate data about another URL with a better average position for the targeted keyword.
- Fix: (PRO) Resolved an issue with the disconnect link for your Google Search Console account.
- Fix: Removed PHP warnings when editing taxonomy terms (e.g., a category).
- Fix: Prevented data deletion when uninstalling the Free version while the PRO version is still active or installed.
- Third-party: Added support for the latest version of Up2Pay.
V1.9.0 – 25/07/2024
- New: Enhanced Keywords menu (first iteration). You can now view and filter all content to see which needs to be optimized (for example, those without targeted keywords or without clics)
- Improvement: (PRO) Improved data retrieved from Google Search Google (you should have more data now)
- Improvement: (PRO) Improved “no recent content” audit task by warning you earlier that you need to write a new post.
- Improvement: (PRO) Improved “Connect your search console” advice by adding a direct link to do so.
- Improvement: Improved main advice for each content (better explanations and new types of advice).
- Improvement: Improved RSS feed (it now includes image data).
- Improvement: Added 410 header to “data:image” 404 errors (this will improve crawl resources for Google).
- Improvement: Performance improvements (some scripts were unnecessarily loaded on edit post admin pages).
- Improvement: SEOKEY menu now directly indicates whether you are using the PRO version of the plugin.
- Fix: (PRO) Fixed “Too many links” audit task when your links only target internal images.
- Fix: (PRO) Fixed Search Console Logout link (it sometimes removed sitemaps that should not have been removed).
- Fix: (PRO) Fixed “author names”, “author edit links” and “author view links” in the global audit module.
- Fix: (PRO) Improved Google Search Sitemap push (this fix avoids pushing empty sitemaps and removes related PHP warning).
- Fix: (FREE) Removed PHP warning about missing messages for two audit tasks (authors and incomplete markup tasks).
- Fix: Fixed keyword analysis containing special characters like “…” (analysis was incorrect).
- Fix: Improved translations and wording throughout the plugin
- Third-party: (Elementor) Fixed canonical URL with paginated content created with Elementor loops on singular contents.
- Third-party: (Elementor) Added 410 header to Elementor CSS cached files (this will improve crawl resources for Google).
V1.8.5 – 13/06/2024
- Improvement: Admin fonts are now loaded from SEOKEY directory (better loading time and GDPR compatibility)
- Third-party: Compatibility with WP Bakery Page Builder
- Fix: Avoid redirect errors if old feed URl looks like an attachment URL
- Fix: in some cases, sitemaps URl when WordPress is installed within a folder were incorrect
- Fix: Various typos fixes throughout the plugin
V1.8.4 – 24/04/2024
- Improvement: (PRO) admin bar link for Post Type archives is now shorter and easier to use
- Fix: (PRO) featured image detection was sometimes incorrect
- Fix: analysis errors with elementor. Our audit should be more accurate now
- Fix: Fix XSL URl when WordPress is installed within a folder (it fixes how XML sitemaps looks like for users)
- Fix: Fix PHP warnings in several functions (PHP 8.2 compatibility)
- Third-party: (PRO) improved 410 management for old cache file: compatibility added for litespeed and elementor PRO cache
- Third-party: Event Calendar title tags are now correctly set
V1.8.3 – 20/03/2024
- Improvement: better loading time for our audit when you are editing a post
- Fix: incorrect date format in XML sitemaps files (when using specific host configuration and translation plugin)
- Fix: (PRO) audit analysis for images with automatic ALT (when using ALT from media library)
- Fix: (PRO) licence validation is no longer an issue if you use OVH as your host provider
- Fix: (PRO) incorrect score for missing featured image advice
V1.8.2 – 15/02/2024
- Improvement: keyword audit tasks related to your main keyword are now more accurate
- Third-party: fix some audit tasks with Elementor (sometimes, content was not correctly taken into account)
- Third-party: All-in-on-schema plugin is now fully compatible with SEOKEY
- Fixed: fix “redirection already here” message
- Fixed: fix some audit tasks related to internal and external links (some of them were not detected)
- Fixed: translations fixes
V1.8.1 – 15/01/2024
- Improvement: keywords are now correctly saved when you create or save a post
- Improvement: a disabled content (a Post Type or a Taxonomy) does no longer return a 404 error, they are now automatically redirected
- Fixed: sometimes, empty ALT images were not shown in the SEOKEY ALT editor
- Fixed: translations fixes
- Fixed: the “/.well-known/assetlinks.json” URl is now excluded from 404 automatic detection
V1.8.0 – 19/12/2023
- New: ACF fields can now be used during your SEO audit
- New: WordPress automatic 301 redirections can now be validated in bulk
- New: adding SEOKEY FAQ blocks with schema markup (and convert Yoast blocks)
- New: new audit task about incomplete “Who are you?” settings
- New: new audit task about incomplete authors data (job, birthdate)
- Improvement: source URL can now be different from current domain if needed
- Third-party: content audit tasks can now detect upsell products links (WooCommerce)
- Third-party: fix a bug where SEOKEY was blocking login errors messages from Easy Digital Downloads login screen
- Fixed: texts and translations fixes
- Fixed: settings screen is now compatible with on smaller devices
- Fixed: fix a bug where the sitemap URL path was wrong if WP_CONTENT_URL was defined as a subdomain
- Fixed: fix a bug where the TinyMCE editor was broken for contributors
- Fixed: sitemaps are now created again if the site language is changed in WordPress general settings
- Fixed: fix a bug where terms where not correctly audited in rare cases
- Fixed: fix a bug with SEO plugins data import when posts did not have authors
V1.7.4 – 09/11/2023
- Fixed: fix a rare bug where the installation wizard was causing fatal errors for some taxonomies.
- Fixed: fix a bug where audit task for terms would not work properly on multilingual websites.
- Fixed: authors will no longer be in the audit if they are set to noindex.
- Fixed: fix wrong URL in sitemap index when WordPress is installed in another folder and with a custom wp-content folder name located at domain root.
- Third-party: fix a bug where the alt of some images entered in the SeoKey alt editor will not show on front and audit for the Astra theme
V1.7.3 – 10/18/2023
- Improvement: improved audit timing between tasks for slower servers
- Improvement: SEOKEY metabox can no longer be moved to the right side of WordPress editor
- Fixed: fix audit infinite loading when website is using WooCommerce
- Fixed: fix a bug where language was sometimes shown in breadcrumbs (Polylang or WPML)
- Fixed: front page URL in SEOKEY breadcrumbs is now the correct language one (Polylang)
- Fixed: fix french translation for “thumbnail” with a more accurate one
V1.7.2 – 10/05/2023
- Fixed: fix main keyword audit tasks when using ’ instead of ‘
- Fixed: fix audit while editing specific content. Featured image and custom meta tags were not correctly detected
- Fixed: fix “view” and “edit” term link in global SEO audit page
- Fixed: adding missing french translations
V1.7.0 – 10/03/2023 – Enhanced SEO audit for WordPress
- New: new audit task about publishing content more frequently
- New: new audit task about 404 errors that require a 301 redirect
- New: new audit task about WordPress automatic redirection that require validation or a different 301 redirect
- New: new audit task about main keyword missing in the first part of your content
- New: new audit task about contents with too muck links
- New: new audit task about contents without featured image
- New: new audit tasks about contents, terms and users without customized (and optimized) title tag and meta description
- New: new audit task about terms without text description
- New: new audit tasks about main keyword missing in title tag and in meta description
- New: new audit task about users with published posts but without user biography
- New: new audit task about WordPress default contents still being there (“Hello World!”)
- New: new audit task about invalid or non-recommended characters in URLs
- Improvement: improved audit performance
- Improvement: improved score for many audit tasks (better SEO accuracy) – first iteration
- Improvement: improved density task calculation to avoid keyword stuffing – second iteration
V1.6.6 – 09/20/2023
- Improvement: improved french translations
- Improvement: improved audit task about images when using WooCommerce (Products main images were not correctly detected)
- Fixed: removes admin pages errors when licence cannot be validated (some menus did not worked correctly)
- Fixed: avoid rare errors when seokey_users_profile_form function is not yet defined
- Fixed: restore FAQ schema when website was using Yoast SEO before
- Third-party: fix wrong canonical tag with Polylang and folders configuration
V1.6.5 – 07/20/2023
- Improvement: Improved “no link” task explanation
- Improvement: Fix density task calculation to avoid keyword stuffing
- Fixed: prevent PHP error after login with some hosting providers (PHP constant name badly recognised)
- Fixed: prevent PHP error with some hosting providers without mod_headers activated (for example WAMP will now work as intended)
- Third-party: remove Hello Elementor duplicate meta description tag
V1.6.4 – 07/05/2023
- Improvement: Improved audit performance on large website
- Improvement: Removal of redundant message in SEO audit
- Fixed: Notification PHP error when user licence was not correctly validated
- Fixed: Audit display on tablet was not readable
V1.6.3 – 06/06/2023
- Improvement: Better licence validation process (better performances and users will be warned when their licence has expired)
- Improvement: Improved french translations
- Fixed: “Website Potential Action” Schema markup is now only available on your homepage
- DevNote: seokey_filter_schema_org_actions_name hook is now also applied to breadcrumbs main name
V1.6.2 – 05/24/2023
- Improvement: Adding missing translations
- Improvement: Improved metabox display for terms (when adding a new term)
- Fixed: SEOKEY now correctly send 410 headers for old cache files with URl parameters
- Fixed: SEOKEY option disabling author pagination was not working properly
- Fixed: Incorrect XSL path for sitemap files when WordPress is installed in a folder
- Fixed: avoid in some cases PHP errors when adding a new post (for authors and editors with SEOKEY Free)
- New: multilingual compatibility with WPML and Polylang (WeGlot is coming soon).
- New: full compatibility with DIVI builder.
- New: improved WooCommerce compatibility (audit detection & admin menu for shop page).
- New: (PRO) New audit task for images without alternatives texts in your content but which have one in the media library (this audit task focuses on accessibility issues potentially caused by the automatic addition of this ALT by SEOKEY).
- Improvement: (PRO) keyword density audit task is now much better and handles accents or uppercase words.
- Improvement: (PRO) automatic redirections are now only registered when Google trigger them (it avoids false positives and useless work).
- Improvement: (PRO) traffic audit task is now an information task, not a warning task (it only tells you to keep working, it was not pointing a precise issue to solve).
- Improvement: (PRO) disconnected Search Console notice is now dismissible.
- Improvement: (PRO) improve redirection speed (we now prevent WordPress from guessing URl if current URl is going to be redirected).
- Improvement: change sitemap location to upload folder (better performances).
- Improvement: better help messages for redirection menu.
- Improvement: remove useless checkbox within the image ALT editor.
- Improvement: many French and English typo errors have been fixed.
- Fixed: (PRO) fix Search Console ping message (sometimes, Search Console used to show an error message about unreachable sitemaps)
- Fixed: avoid errors with third party plugins using Bulk option edits within default media library (for example, it removes a fatal error with the Download Monitor plugin).
- Fixed: avoid PHP error when users with author role were trying to access SEOKEY menus.
- Fixed: fix redirections not working when URL had special HTML characters.
- Fixed: fix automatic redirection being registered (but it was already redirected).
- Fixed: fix redirections not working when using specific domain port, for example when using a local WordPress installation with LocalWP.
- Fixed: fix error on Breadcrumbs Schema markup when no “Name” was given to the website.
- Fixed: fix canonical tags when using unusual permalink structure.
- Fixed: prevent wizard from skipping first step after importing SEO data from another plugin.
- Fixed: delete taxonomy sitemap file if user has deleted all associated terms.
- Fixed: avoid fatal error while generating sitemaps if user had not defined any allowed content.
- Dev note: new filter ‘seokey_filter_schema_org_actions_name’ to change website name value in Website Schema Markup.
- Dev note: sitemaps files will now be stored in a specific folder in uploads/seokey/sitemaps. They will use by default the website language (which will make it easier to switch to multilingual if you want to) : for example “sitemap-index-FRA.xml”. We automatically manage the redirection from old URL to the new one.
- Improvement: improved accuracy of density audit task
- Improvement: improved redirection form when user is trying to redirect an already known URL
- Improvement: improved tooltips handling (avoid unreadable tooltips)
- Improvement: add missing help message in our search console menu
- Improvement: various French translation fixes
- Bugfix: classic media library notice is now dismissible
- Bugfix: TinyMCE editor is now available for all taxonomy terms descriptions (for example with WooCommerce)
- Bugfix: when creating a new term, SEO data was not correctly added (meta title, noindex, …)
- Bugfix: fix “Redirection already here” error when adding a redirection with uppercase characters
- Bugfix: various UX and notices fixes
- Third-party: Awin plugins compatibility improved (their CSS were messing up our menus)
- Third-party: send 410 code for old DIVI Cache files (improves crawl)
- Third-party: add missing ID in our the_title filter while performing an SEO audit (avoid PHP errors with themes or plugins filtering the_title)
- Bugfix: fix main keyword input (users could not add a main keyword in SEOKEY Free)
- New: automatically add missing alternative texts to images (when user added an ALT to this image with the ALT editor or with the media library).
- New: new keyword menu to help you achieve your SEO goals. You can now view all your targeted keywords with a “next action” to do.
- New: huge improvement for our suggestion module. We now give you advice about noindexed contents, duplicated targeted keywords or low click through rate.
- New: new notification after data import. If you import data from another SEO plugin, we warn you about missing OpenGraph and Twitter Card data, and we give you a simple fix to add it back again.
- Improvement: better menu handling (less code, better performances).
- Improvement: speed improvement on all pages (Google Oauth checks are now done with a background task).
- Improvement: speed improvement on Search Console Data import (deleting duplicates, increasing memory and using more cache).
- Improvement: new and improved translations for french users.
- Improvement: add disconnected search console notice if user is skipping wizard.
- Bugfix: fix search console being disconnected for some users (you will have to reconnect one last time your Search Console).
- Bugfix: fixing some misplaced tooltips (there are still a few ones we need to clean).
- Bugfix: in some cases, strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of <title> tags.
- Bugfix: improved interface (some icons were not correctly showing up on some menus).
- Bugfix: fix bad robots.txt encoding on some hosts.
- Bugfix: various CSS fixes throughout our plugin.
- Bugfix: fix Yoast global post type indexation value on data import
- Bugfix: remove some PHP warning while importing data from YOAST and SEOPRESS
- New: import SEO data from RankMath
- New: import SEO data from SEOPress
- New: automatic name attribute for mobile results on Google
- Improvement: improved RangePrice and SameAs automatic markup
- Improvement: wording and translations improvements (some of them were missing or fuzzy)
- Improvement: fix and improved performances for “known content” function (SEOKEY will tell you if you need to check your settings when new content types are found)
- Third-party: Genesis framework compatibility (their SEO functions are now disabled)
- Third-party: remove automatic breadcrumbs switch from Yoast to SEOKEY (too many bugs from many themes)
- Third-party: Elementor compatibility improved (avoid rare fatal errors with some themes)
- Bugfix: Yoast import function improved (missing data for markup)
- Bugfix: load correct translations if user has already downloaded translations from
- Third-party: Changed the Search Console connection (better reliability with Oauth login). You may need to connect your Search Console account again.
- Third-party: Better menu notification bubble function (avoid bugs when another function is filtering $menu global)
- Third-party: Improved theme compatibility when using Yoast SEO breadcrumb functions
- Bugfix: Avoid bad characters on sitemap generation
- Improvement: better SEOKEY licence validation
- Improvement: remove warning while connecting to your Search Console Account
- Improvement: better automatic optimization display while using our Wizard
- Improvement: better help message for some audit tasks
- Improvement: adding a “contributing” file to project
- Improvement: better performance when importing data from Yoast
- Improvement: better performance when performing an audit
- Improvement: improved performance for several other functions
- I18N: adding missing French translations (we still have a few ones to add in the next few weeks)
- I18N: fix bad text for max/min text counters
- Bugfix: improved Yoast data import
- Bugfix: avoid errors with uninstall functions
- Bugfix: avoid another PHP error with PRO version when Free version is still active
- Bugfix: avoid PHP error with PRO version when Free version is still active
- Third-party: OceanWP support enhanced (fixes an OceanWP bug with Yoast breadcrumbs)
Note: version bump from 1.3.0 to 1.3.2 to match Free version.
* New: SEOKEY is now compatible with many third party plugins such as Elementor, Divi or Beaver Builder
* New: Free version is now available
* Improvement: we keep improving English and French translations
* Improvement: we also improved interface
* Bugfix: force sitemap first creation when user uses the global wizard skip button
* Bugfix: fix link from “Automatic Optimization” page to “Settings” page (french version)
* Third-party: fix empty content found within audit metabox when ACF was activated
* Third-party: add notice to warn user that SEOKEY is not yet fully compatible with WPML and Polylang
* Bugfix: fix two errors with HTML breadcrumbs functions
* Third-party: fix audit score CSS (when other plugins or themes are using a generic box-sizing rules)
- New: import module for YOAST SEO data
- New: new audit task (no internal links in contents)
- New: new notice if PRO licence has not been activated (to avoid missing future updates)
- Improvement: better suggestion advice when no valid Google Search Console has been found
- Improvement: better English and French translation
- Improvement: UX improvements
- Improvement: better Title and Meta Description limits
- Improvement: better density limit of a keyword (audit task)
- Improvement: improve uninstall functions (more data is deleted if the user chooses to do so)
- Improvement: increase data retrieved from Search Console Bugfix: add missing help messages (tooltips)
- Bugfix: remove the “Redirection” plugin from the incompatible plugins list (it works fine now)
- Bugfix: better tooltip position on hover
- Bugfix: fix sitemaps URL if WordPress installation files are located in another folder
- Bugfix: fix sitemap encoding (and avoid PHP warnings)
- Bugfix: fix some PHP warnings on sitemap creation
- Bugfix: fix wrong french links in some notifications (missing translations for slugs)
- Bugfix: fix duplicate home breadcrumbs in some cases for post type “Post”
- Bugfix: fix unskippable “new content discovered” notification
- Bugfix: fix meta description automatic generation when shortcodes or pre tags are found at the beginning of the content
- Third-party: fix sitemaps URL when using Really Simple RSS (because there is still an HTTP URL within the WordPress database)
- New: French translation
- New: new audit task (no images in contents)
- Improvement: better suggestion advice for contents within Google top 10
- Improvement: better english translation
- Bugfix: Fix WordPress 6.0 PHP warnings
- Bugfix: Help message for each task where not shown in audit tab while editing a content
- Improvement: duplicate function cleaning (speed improvement)
- Improvement: better image sizes for images in XML sitemaps
- Bug fix: Fix incorrect contents shown in XML sitemaps
- Bug fix: Fix duplicate image sometimes found in XML sitemaps
- Bug fix: Fix incorrect characters in XML sitemaps
- Bug fix: fix incorrect link in the “new content discovered” notice
- Improvement: better wording for automatic redirection buttons
- Bug fix: Fix meta description and title audit tasks: sometimes user changes were not taken into account
- Bug fix: meta description and title audit tasks: better special characters count
- Bug fix: special character encoding in some sitemaps URL
- Bug fix: sitemap creation to avoid generating bad sitemap types
- Bug fix: fatal error on license activation on some hosts
- Bug fix: PHP warning with some menus
- Bug fix: unwanted Search Console disconnections on some hostings.
- Bug fix: shortlinks HTTP headers still here
- Bug fix: Polylang Canonical tags with separate domains (Polylang compatibility is still a work in progress)
- Bug fix: Polylang bad sitemaps generation
- Bug fix: bad