SEO features

You can discover here all the features provided by the SEOKEY plug-in !

SEO audit

Automatic technical optimizations

After installing and activating SEOKEY, technical optimizations will be automatically deployed on your WordPress website. Without any intervention from you or a developer, you will end up with a much healthier website.


You can find out the list of optimizations by clicking on the button below.


Optimisations automatiques SEO pour WordPress

SEO toolbox

Redirects management

With SEOKEY, you can easily redirect any URL! The extension will also detect 404 errors and the sometimes harmful automatic redirects from WordPress: in one click, correct and redirect these pages in error!

ALT Editor for WordPress

ALT Editor

Do you find it difficult to optimize the alternative texts of your images in WordPress? This will only be a bad memory after installing SEOKEY!


Easily switch from one image to another and optimize your alt texts! And all this in one dashboard!

Search Console

SEO KEY allows you to easily connect your WordPress website to Google Search Console!


Facilitate the indexation of your URLs with the automatic submission of your sitemap, and get personalized advice in the audit and the edition of each content according to your real traffic.


You will also be able to see the impressions, clicks and average position of the keywords generating traffic for you.


A simple interface

From the setting of the extension to the audit by way of the management of redirects and image optimization, SEOKEY offers a simple and fluid interface!



After activating the extension, you will be able to start its configuration. We have tried to simplify as much as possible the information in the Wizard that is needed to improve your SEO.

SEO audit

A simple click on the “Start SEO Audit” button will allow you to run SEOKEY and start the SEO analysis.

A table will allow you to visualize the results of the audit and start optimizing.

You can easily correct some problems and implement optimizations according to our recommendations, but you can also ignore some of our advice!

Finally, SEOKEY will define for you the priorities of your action plan according to their SEO impact.


Setting up 301 redirects or SEO optimization of images on WordPress can sometimes seem complicated.

SEOKEY directly integrates these SEO essentials and their configuration is easy to use!


An SEO audit module, automatic technical optimizations, an SEO toolbox and many other features. It is time to discover the power of SEOKEY and upgrade to the premium version!

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